Who doesn't know them, the red and white or amber semaphore arms
noisily rattling into position? Those "mathusalem" of signaling technique are
still used today - even on lines with ICE traffic.
With these functional and finely detailed signals Viessmann
has established a standard not met by others.
The highlights:
arms move at prototypical speed;
brass masts produced in photo
etching technique, painted as the original;
under-baseboard compact drive fixed
to signal;
integral train control
Of course, we have not limited ourselves to a few basic types:
besides the DR and DB types you will find Bavarian, Austrian and Swiss signals.
Next to all these finer points we have not forgotten about the
price. You will be surprised about the value you get for your money.
Viessmann semaphore signals -the originals!
Distant- and main signals
Our distant signals are like their prototypes of the
real railways: electrical contacts assure prototypical braking of the
train whenever the aspect "stop at main signal" (VrO) is shown. Thus the
train starts braking when it passes the distant signal. For realistic
slow movement (VR) all you need is the resistor 5216 reducing the track
Of course, all semaphore signals have the appropriate
symbols printed on disks and arms (no adhesive stickers)
and prototypical slow moving arms, covers and disks.
semaphore signals feature finely detailed metal masts maintenance free
LED lighting
long life lamps at distant and stop signals
prototypical slow movement
under-baseboard compact drive

Viessmann 4509
Semaphore Distant Signal moveable disk height: 51 mm |

Viessmann 4510
Semaphore Distant Signal fixed disk, movable arm,
height: 51 mm |
prototypical slow movement of the signal arms
finely detailed metal masts
under-baseboard compact drive
integrated train control
suitable for all conventional and digital systems.
easy mounting, easy connection
no special transfo or relays for normal connection
End-off switch controlled by DC current |

One-arm semaphore main signals

Double-arm semaphore main signals, with coupled
(HpO and Hp2) and separate arms (HpO, Hpl and
Hp2) |

Distant Signal movable disk and arm, with two compact,
under-baseboard drive units height: 51 mm |

Viessmann 4500
Semaphore Home Signal with one arm height: 103 mm

Viessmann 4501
Semaphore Home Signal with two coupled arms height: 103 mm |

Viessmann 4502
Semaphore Home Signal with two uncoupled wings, two compact, under-baseboard drive units height: 103 mm
Viessmann 4503
Semaphore Home Signal function like 4502, but with slow-drive function (incl
resistor 5216). Two uncoupled wings. with two under-baseboard drive
units. |
Main and stop signals with slim mast
Construction types of stop signals
The prototype uses various forms of stop signals. While
the stop signal # 451 7 represents the version with a flange base, usually placed on its own next to the
track, the stop signal # 4515 is the shorter, regular type.
The mini signal without mast # 4516 is used under for a
track spacing of less than 4.5 m. You often find those stop signals in
combination with a semaphore signal at exit tracks.

Viessmann 4530
Semaphore Home Signal with one arm height: 103 mm

Viessmann 4531
Semaphore Home Signal two coupled arms height: 103 mm

Viessmann 4532
Semaphore Home Signal two uncoupled arms, two under-baseboard drive units height: 103 mm

Viessmann 4516
Semaphore Stop Signal lower type movable banner arm and
lit, compact, under-baseboard drive unit Height 15 mm

Viessmann 4515
Semaphore Stop Signal with ground socket movable banner arm and lit, compact, under-baseboard drive unit height: 55 mm

Viessmann 4517
Semaphore Stop Signal with flange socket movable banner arm and lit, compact, under-baseboard
drive unit height: 65 mm

Viessmann 4519
Waiting Signal Ra11
with a lamp, maintenance-free LED's height: 65 mm
Bavarian signals
DB signals with semaphore arms of the Bavarian state
Railways- Also without idle
/ stop aspect?
The Bavarian semaphore signals were taken over by the
DB and only partly equipped with new signal arms.
The Bavarian signal aspect "no train traffic on this
track" ("HpRu" - arm points downwards, 1 blue light) has been cancelled. Therefore Viessmann
signals don't have "idle I stop" functions. The signal aspect "stop for shunting movements" on these signals has to be replaced
by separate stop signals (# 451 5) that are placed in front of the main exit signals.
When using Bavarian signals as exit signals the aspect
'proceed slowly" has to be indicated by appropriate stickers (Lf4) mounted on the signal mast.

Viessmann 4505
Semaphore Home Signal lattice post with one arm,
compact, under-baseboard drive unit height 103 mm |

Viessmann 4507
Semaphore Home Signal metal runged post,
with one arm, compact, under-baseboard drive unit height: 103 mm |
Swiss signals
In the year 1886
semaphore signals were first described in the Swiss
signal rulebook. Our signals are models of newer types, but, as you can
see, they have a long tradition.
In Switzerland there has been an early standardization of the signal regulations according to the signal standardization of 1947 of the "Swiss Railways". The prototypes of our signals were used by the SBB and private railways and can be found until recent times

Viessmann 4520
Semaphore SBB metal rungep post, with one arm. compact, under-baseboard drive unit height: 103 mm

Viessmann 4521
Semaphore SBB metal rungep post, with two arms. compact, under-baseboard drive unit height: 103 mm |

Semaphore main signal with one arm (4500) with distant semaphore (4509)
The semaphore with one arm shows the aspects 'proceed"
(Hpl) and "stop" (HpO) and is used, if the train is allowed to pass the
"proceed"-showing signal without braking.
This semaphore is used as block semaphore or as a
starter signal on a straight track in the station.
Semaphore main signal with two coupled arms (4501) and
semaphore distant signal (4510)
The double-arm signal shows the aspects "slow ahead"
(Hp2) and "Stop" (HpO). It is used as exit signal in yards when
departure is only possible via a diverging route.
Semaphore main signal with two uncoupled arms
(4502) with distant signal (4511)
This semaphore is able to show the aspects
"proceed" (Hpl ), "proceed slowly" (Hp2) and "stop" (HpO).
Mostly it is used as an entry semaphore in stations before a
where it is possible to proceed either straight
ahead or onto a branch line.
Viessmann semaphore signals
easy installation |