Vollmer 42002 Euro-Bank with Euro-Rescue shields
No.: 42002 track H0
size: 125x125x140 mm Kit
We don't need long discussions - we have it - the Euro-Rescue-Shield! At times where all of Europe talk about the safety of the Euro, we present the solution in small. Not just for model kit friends. No, anyone who likes kits and likes to work on the stability of the European currency - Vollmer offers a solution! With the historical building of Euro-Bank, Art.no. 2002 (the year the European currency was officially introduced), Vollmer offers you a safe place for your money. The kit also
funcions as a piggy bank. In front are 2 Euro-Rescue-Shields - which symbolize the rescue of the Euro. The Euro-Rescue-Shields, are also available on their own with 4 pieces in a set so you won't loose billions here.