Marklin Maerklin Trix Minitrix Preiser Vollmer Faller Brawa model trains & radio control from Kyosho Tamiya Traxxas HPI CEN OFNA Revell Hobbico Helimax and others. Trains made by Marklin Trix Minitrix Brawa and building kits made by Vollmer and Faller. Figures by Preiser and many others for your European Model Train Layout. Models and radio control hobbies, plastic and wood models, cars, trucks, boats, airpalnes, helicopters and much more

The largest Marklin Trains & Trix Minitrix Direct Importer/exporter Worldwide.
Tamiya Authorized Distributor in USA & Latin America & Kyosho Authorized.

Micro Macro Mundo Inc.
Founded in 1986 in Miami Florida U.S.A.

Marklin 37050

Marklin 37050 2004 item HO


This is a 2004 item from Marklin (Maerklin or Märklin) in HO Gauge (1:87 Scale)

Details, price and availability on this Marklin 37050 product can be seen in detail HERE.

Marklin is 3 rail system (AC) and locomotives can not be used on DC systems.

Rolling stock from Marklin is compatible with any other DC system by just changing the set of wheels from Marklin AC to Marklin DC.

If you are in search of DC products from this Manufacturer, please look at TRIX for HO items made by Marklin.
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