Marklin 37530 Club 2009 HO for Members only

Marklin 37530 Insider Club Model in HO and 88530 in Z gauge.
This unit can ONLY be ordered using the Original Coupon included in the last Marklin Club Magazine mailing.
Please sign it and send the original (not photocopies) without delay to our address by mail:
7138 S.W. 117th. Ave., Miami Florida 33183
Micro Macro Mundo Inc. will as always, offer a substantial discount to those regular Customers of us that keep being loyal to our business.
Customers without coupon or not Club member WILL PAY FULL PRICE set by Marklin.
There are also more items for the Members as each year: New 2009/10 Catalog and one car either in HO or Z gauge. (there is nothing for free to those that collect 1 gauge, what a shame, Marklin) These 2 products are FREE from Marklin to the Club Member.
However, those Customers that only order the FREE Car and FREE Catalog (as part of the benefits of the Marklin Club) if no other order has been received from them, will be charged a fee for handling and shipping their order of the "free" items.
We are crossing tough days due the recession and each day more increases on prices from everyone are received, including the Postal Service and other carriers, so there is no way we can afford to send these "free" products and the very heavy Catalog for free as there is involved a lot of work, packing material and other expenses to ship.
The idea behind these "free" offers from the Marklin Club was to increase the business between Collectors and Dealers, however, this is not the case in many instances as in past years, we have received dozens of coupons for the free goods and no a single order of regular Club items that has a cost for the Member.
We strongly oppose the policy of Marklin with these "free" offers. If they are for free, then it is up to Marklin to send them out to each Customer Member of the Club and not to pass all these expenses involved on this matter to Dealers that have enough with being feathered with all the Marklin problems.
Of course, we will honor all the coupons sent to us, but if you have not bought with us in the last 12 Months, we will charge you $ 20,00 for shipping EACH of these "free" items (Catalog and HO car) and $ 16.00 if the car is Z gauge.
For all those other Customers that have spent at least $ 500.00 in the last 12 month with us, we will ship these free items FOR FREE. If you spent less than $ 500.00 then we will charge you the postage to be paid or the cost of FedEx/UPS ground to your location at cost.
Revise the Credit Card you have on file with us. These days of Bank changes, there are many numbers that have changed and/or expiration dates changed.
If any change was done to your card, also the 3 digits from the back have changed, so we REQUIRE you to update your credit cards on file to be able to ship your backorders and items from the Club.
Labels: Marklin, New items2009
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